[Welcome to Military Link Online Services]

Welcome to Military Link

We Keep America's Military... Well Connected

Military Link is an extremely unique Military Personnel locator service dedicated to America's past and present Armed Forces. This locator service is totally FREE, very simple to use and is based on a member generated database organized by Unit affiliation. In simple terms the member search engine looks for registered members by previous Duty Assignment. Searching by previous duty assignment provides unrealized benefits to you the user. It is your previous duty assignment that is the single common denominator between you and your lost friend.

This site provides you with a number of services:

Member Search Engine

Electronic Member to Member E-Mail

Password Security

Quick Accurate Updates

Bulletin Board Service

Personnal WEB Page Entry

Personnal Character Biography

Member Rank Images

Links to Military Associated WEB Sites

Totally Free Site Access

The senior partners of this service are active duty service members of the United States Army with over 25 years of combined service. Early in our careers we lost touch with each other and in fact have lost touch with many close friends formed through common bonds that only members of the service could begin to understand. It was through the internet that we were able to regain contact but this was an extremely tedious process of trial and error. Through this process it was realized that no simple way existed to locate past and present members of the military. It was at this point the concept was realized and development of this service began.

Initial research showed that as of 1997 the United States Armed Forces maintains a population of approximatley 31.2 million members. This number involves 4.5 million active duty members and 26.7 million veterans. The average military member relocates one time every three years or about seven times in twenty year career. The ability for military members to stay in contact was nearly impossible, until now. The single common denominator between lost military friends are previous duty assignments. It was thru identifying this common denominator and building a search engine around it that made finding your old friends a simple task.

The site guides you through the process and is very simple. You register yourself by entering each of your previous duty assignments, your current E-Mail address and pick your own password. After completing this guided process you are ready to search our databased for your old friends. Simply Log On and click on one of your previous duty assignments. This will automatically bring up a screen showing all people registered to that duty station and a Hot Link to their currunt E-Mail address. The E-Mail Hot link will launch Military Link Mail which is very similar to most current mail programs. Write your message and send it. For security purposes E-Mail addresses are not displayed in the "TO" block. This was designed for your security to prevent unwanted mail (SPAM).

Currently the database consists of 1750 land based installations and 700 ships and vessels. Duty stations or ships not existing in our database, such as deactivations may be added by you the user and the process is very simple. The member database is generated and maintained by you the user. So make sure to let all of your military friends know about the site and remember to update your E-Mail address as needed.

This site is totally free and was developed for the sole purpose of providing America's Military Members with the ability to stay in touch with your military friends and find the one's you have lost. Additionally, this site is under current development to provide a single source military refernce site.(See Future Developments)