Learn More About Registration

When you register your Duty stations with Military Link, you are in this directory only as long as you wish to be. You may have us remove your registration at anytime.

Register at No Cost to You

Military Link is attempting to provide the easiest method of locating past or present friends. The Internet and this WEB Site combined are a powerful tool. You can contact your friends and be contacted by your friends in a very efficient manner by simply registering. Registration offers full access to our online directory of past and present duty station lists and the ability to E-Mail every person in our data base. Registration will also allow you to return as needed to updated your registration information. (new e-mail address, Duty Station, etc.)

Registering information with Military Link is free. When you enter your information during Register your Duty Station, it will remain in our database unless you direct us to remove it. If you move or if your E-Mail address changes, we ask that you update your information. You do this simply from the "Change Your Duty Station Information" area located on your Resume Page. E-mail addresses are important to update as this is the method in which people contact you.

Registration is Free

Registration allows:

  1. Unlimited access to E-Mail addresses, Character Biographies and Personal Web Pages of all registered members.
  2. Your own 250-character personal Biography Page.
  3. A Hot Link to your Web Home Page.

[Register your Duty Stations]Register your Duty Stations FREE!